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"Angel Feathers"


The most basic human needs are to feel Loved, Appreciated and Respected.  

The second most basic human need is to feel needed. 

Often our life's spiral out of control and we reach a point where we find ourselves cut off

from society. We also know we want to make a difference in the world,

but we do not know where to start.


Feathers are whispers from your guardian Angel's and Grace

Through Yellow Brick Road, my passion is to create a Support Community, an Online Friendship Circle, sharing in each other's pain, joy, trials, and tribulations.  You are Special, You are Loved, Somebody out here cares...


The FORUM is an online community where we can share our questions, our Joys, and our sorrows.  It has been divided into specific topics but also has an Angel Feather area. In the Angel Feather area we aim to take on specific projects from time to time where anybody can get involved in any which way that is suitable to them.


Through the Forum the aim is to create new friendship circle's with people that have got the same Life 101 in common or that has the same interests in common.  Wearing the same basic Life 101 T-shirts allows for a greater understanding of your daily trials and tribulations. The hope is that individuals will reach out to each other with support and caring, always respecting each other's Souls and Journey.  The integrity of this online platform must please be respected at all times.  Please only interact with members of the Forum on the Forum, until you feel safe in sending them your personal contact details.  

Yellow Brick Road will at all time monitor the interactions, to protect the privacy and integrity of every member.


Become a Feather of Hope to somebody by sharing your Life's Story, your experiences, your Life 101..




  • By becoming a "Feather of Hope", I agree to the following:

  • I will follow my journey and my calling to make a difference in somebody's day and life, by making that person feel special.

  • I will share my Life 101 experience, whereby another can learn.

  • Upon privately connecting with any of the Forum members, I will ask that person's permission to become a part of their life and their journey.

  • I will at all times respect the other persons' privacy and integrity and will not divulge any information received from Yellow Brick Road to a 3rd party.

  • I will reach out with Love and Compassion, through the higher me.



  • I understand that I can request Feather's of Love for myself or a friend in need.

  • Feathers of Love is sent with "Love" and "Caring" and I will appreciate each phone call, e-mail or gift as such.

  • Yellow Brick Road will have a special parcel delivered to your doorstep once a month...A Surprise gift!


We all need to feel needed and we all need to know that somewhere out in the world is somebody that cares and think I am worthwhile...Let's start reaching out to each other and thereby we will facilitate not just healing for the other person but also for ourselves.


A burden shared becomes half a burden in weight.....


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