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Girl Behind a Sheet



                   Your Support Circle on the Road to Happiness

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South African Resource Portal

Learn to Love Yourself to a Happier You

Sharing Life Stories and advise on Topics from Cancer, Addiction, Dementia & more...

Life is not defined by the breaths

                you take,

   But by the moments that take

             your breath away...


Cheri's Blog

My passions is to help every individual to find their Inner Happiness and Joy...To become authentic to their own Soul....

To reach out to each other with Love and Caring...To reach our higher purpose

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We all need to feel needed and we all need to know that somewhere out in the world is somebody that cares and think I am worthwhile....Let's start reaching out to each other and thereby we will facilitate not just healing for the other person but also for ourselves.

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An inspirational thought received at the right time, sometimes is all that is needed to ...SMILE..again or to feel inspired to start a Journey of healing...

Subscribe to receive inspirational quotes



a Selection of Motivational Video's shared by the "Masters".  

Lemon Zest


Story of my Life ... Dealing with bereavement and alcohol addiction

An inspiring story by a very strong Lady, that overcame the hold "whiskey" had on her life, by making a choice.  Truly an inspiration for other struggling with "self-medication" - Namaste -  Anonymous N



A Selection of Meditation video's that will allow you to quieten your mind.

Even if you are new to meditation, there are some beautiful tracks that allows gratitude to flow back into your heart



Holistic Healing -


Happiness is the side-effect of holistic living. It is the inner flame that keeps you going. Contrary to popular belief that happiness comes from external conditions, happiness is directly linked to a life filled with meaning. Dr Elsi M



Depression and Anxiety - The Toxic result of the 21st century.

We share Life stories of people dealing with depression & anxiety as well as sharing video's and advise.



Any form of Addiction ... Is Self-medication by the "I".

Various blogs and posts on how to handle, Your OWN addiction,  A Family Member, YOUR CHILD.

 What is normal feelings for a SUPPORTER  

Where can i seek help, who will understand....Will SOCIETY JUDGE me if I admit I have a problem

We also have a Look at Various Treatment options​



Worldwide, 50 million people are living with Alzheimer's and other dementias.

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease and the most common form of dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a group of symptoms.



ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition with symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The symptoms differ from person to person. ADHD was formerly called ADD, or attention deficit disorder. Both children and adults can have ADHD, but the symptoms always begin in childhood. Adults with ADHD may have trouble managing time, being organized, setting goals, and holding down a job.



Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

We share Life stories and advise.



Journey with Cancer

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Cancer - My Journey by Cinda de Klerk.

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Michelle van Blerk

I want them to believe in themselves and the uniqueness every single one of them brings to the world. 

My dream is to help young people with these life skills that they themselves are not even aware of what they lack.   Michelle

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An online friendship and support circle to help you through difficult times.  Reach out and become a Feather of Hope to somebody or Receive Feathers of Love

Yellow Brick Road....I help you regain YOUR OWN INNER JOY and LAUGHTER, on a Daily Basis, through creating an online Friendship and Support Group with Daily Motivations, Interactive blogs and chat groups...

I am only the vessel being used by Grace to help you Awaken your Souls calling - To touch each other's life's with positive and healing energy, advice and caring.

Follow your Journey along life's road, become true to the real and authentic you.  The amazing person that lurks under the mask that pain, sadness, and society have forced you to become.

Daily hardships and stumble blocks are shared in the blogs, making you aware that you are not alone.  We can all learn the best lessons in "Life 101" through either our own experiences or from somebody that has already worn the T-Shirt.  Blogs are heartfelt advice from individuals that have worn your pair of shoes.

Through Yellow Brick Road, my passion is to create a Support Community, an Online Friendship Circle, sharing in each other's pain, joy, trials and tribulations.

You are Special, You are Loved, Somebody out here cares...

Choose to become an "Angel Feather of Hope" to somebody, make a difference in a damaged life....or to be a Receiver of "Feathers of Love"...

Namaste - My soul honors and respects the beautiful and divine soul in you

Our Highest purpose is to Touch each other's Life's with Joy and Love, and to live a happy, blessed and fulfilled life..with friends along the journey to carry us when we are weak

Featured Testimonial - Anonymous N

                                                        (Story of my life song by One Direction)
                               “Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
                            I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days ...”
                            The hardest and most endearing story that I wanted to write.
                                            Please take this journey with me.

                                                        (Adapted lyrics)
                                        “The story of my life, I take him home
                                   I drive all night to keep him warm and time
                                  Is frozen (the story of, the story of, the story of)
                                           The story of my life, I give him hope
                                          I spend my love until I’m broke inside
                                     The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

         Time froze for 7 years. After my son passed away after an 8-year cancer battle

                                             - a battle he fought bravely.
  Anonymous N - Stay positive.

Tony Robbins - Don't DOUBT yourself

Feeling confident is a state of mind. Tony Robbins teaches us to use our physical body to put us in a different state of mind. "Emotion...

Tony Robbins - I can -I Will - I MUST

Anything we can dream we can create. Change your "shoulds" to a MUST. Tony Robbins teaches us that we can be anything that we decide to...

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