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People are butterflies - scared to touch their wings

Why have our insecurities created such a big Personal space, that we often find ourselves lost and lonely.

Sitting at an Expo and Observing the bodies circulating in the room, I am reminded of a school of butterflies, softly fluttering their wings, yet wary of flying to close to another, in case their fragile wings might touch, might damage or might have to intermingle.

Yet every so often we see a butterfly or two perching on the same flower, although the whole school hatched at the same time, in the same small area.

Is this not so characteristic of human behavior? Have our own ego's, often misguided, or non existent,just our false pretense, not become our stumble-block, the hinderness that has stopped us from really connecting with other's ?

None of us were born as loners. The human race was born as tribe animals. However every time the tribe has scourged our wing we have withdrawn further and further until we can no longer look in the mirror and answer the simple basic question" Who are You?"

this is a challenge to every person reading this blog, to go stand in front of a mirror and answer the simple basic question: "Who are you ?'

" Who am I"

Lets take hands to grow our butterfly wings back and to reach our to each other and to perch on the same branch...we are not meant to be loners...we are meant to share and to be happy...

Are you happy ?

Who are you ?

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